الثلاثاء، 18 فبراير 2014

Live online pass near Earth asteroid 2000EM26

Live online pass near Earth asteroid 2000EM26
Internet users can watch live around the world live for moments passing a small asteroid , named 2000EM26, very close to the ground.

The asteroid will pass through the early hours of Tuesday , an asteroid the size of a nearly three times the size of a football field , passing a speed of 12.37 kilometers per second next to the globe.
The broadcast site Slooh specialist in monitoring the movement of asteroids and space for the passage of the asteroid moments 2000EM26 next to the ground, and through its channel on the official site " YouTube ", which is broadcast , which begins almost with the second dawn (GMT) .
And reduces the space scientists of the danger of the asteroid on the Earth's population , despite its large size and breadth of which has a diameter of about 270 meters , where scientists expect to be damage to one of the parties to the Antarctic , despite the presence of a small percentage of the list because of the risk of near -Earth orbit of the asteroid .
It is noteworthy that such is not the first time that is approaching the Earth from an asteroid , which hit Russia last year, an asteroid the size of half a football field , and hit the Earth in 1908 meteor called " Meteor Siberia ."


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