الأربعاء، 19 فبراير 2014

New Study: Bees can fly to heights higher than Mount Everest

New Study: Bees can fly to heights higher than Mount Everest .. Heights that can kill human being!
Journey bees can look to each other as a journey slow and small, but this research or new study conducted at the University of Wyoming in the State of Wyoming American shows that these insects humble can reach heights higher than Mount Everest, although understeer their bodies and wings small . The researchers found that the bees in Wyoming who has access to a higher altitude than man can afford.

In a series of experiments , the scientists picked up six of wild bees from a height of 3,250 meters above sea level in Wyoming and they fly by placing them in a room , and after the note became clear that all of them are over 7,500 meters high , and some of them arrived to the increase of 9,000 meters .To achieve this height , noted Dr. " Michael Dillon ," the supervisor of the research that the bee has modified his body in position to fly up to a maximum angle of the wings being able to fly while maintaining the same frequency vibration wings .This phenomenon is present in more than one type of bees , for example, in the Alps there are types of living above the height of 4000 meters , and some of them on the mountains of Everest live above the height of 5,600 meters , it is the bees from more organisms tolerant to different pressure and lack of air at high altitudes .

New Study: Bees can fly to heights higher than Mount Everest .. Heights that can kill human being!

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